lucidbeverly at gmail dot com
Over 40 years experience in Lucidity, Dreamwork, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, and Computer Science
Presented on Lucid Living/Self-Realization for over 25 years; Student of the Ridhwan School and Seminary for the Diamond Approach Spiritual Teaching
Business and Technical Expertise: Design, Development, Directing, Managing, Marketing, and Consulting. Helped start a major software company associated with Carnegie Mellon University.
Teaching and Research Experience: Full-time, tenure track Computer Information Systems instructor position at DeAnza College. Also taught university and business courses, as well as my own” Lucid Dreaming/Lucid Living” classes for decades.. Helped form a research and educational institute associated with Stanford University; Initial President of the ‘Lucidity Institute.’
Educational Emphasis: Software Systems; Artificial Intelligence (AI); Theory of Computation; Linguistics; Logic; Cognitive Psychology; Self-Realization
Dissertation Research: Knowledge-Based Communication and Management Support in a Software Development Environment.
Ph.D., Computer Science, December 1983.
Coursework: University of Louisiana (formerly USL), Lafayette, LA.
Dissertation Research: Stanford University and Kestrel Institute.
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Cordell Green, Consulting Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University.
M.S., Computer Science, December 1980.
Course work: University of Louisiana (formerly USL), Lafayette, LA.
Thesis Research: Stanford University.
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Edward E. Smith, Associate Professor of Psychology, Stanford University.
B.A., Mathematics and Computer Science, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL, June 1975.
Work Experience
June 1995 to Present:
September 1992 to June 1995:
Full-time Computer Information Systems Instructor at De DeAnza Community College, Cupertino, CA: Teach introductory , intermediate, and advanced programming in Pascal and C, computer survey courses, and data structures. Served on committees, for example organizing the college’s Advanced Technology Center. Pursued tenure goals, such as applying Cooperative Learning and Student Success approaches to teaching.
January 1991 to June 1995:
Leader of Lucid Dream/Lucid Living workshops and groups.
August 1989 to September 1992 :
Business Partner and Consultant: Designed and developed several personal growth software systems currently being marketed. Taught knowledge systems courses for FMC. Started my own series of personal growth classes. Continued technical consulting.
August 1988 to August 1989:
Training Program Coordinator and Instructor for the AI Center of FMC, Santa Clara, CA.: Responsible for setting up a Corporate Knowledge-Based Systems Training Program, developing course material, choosing software and hardware, managing the project, producing a program newsletter, teaching courses, and doing follow up consulting. Received excellent reviews from participants. Completed instructor’s trainings for Teknowledge’s knowledge engineering seminars and ITI’s expert systems courses.
March 1987 to August 1988:
Technical Consultant: Helped companies apply AI technology and benefit from my experiences, particularly in the area of computer aided software engineering (CASE). Clients range from CASE startups to major aerospace firms.
December 1984 to March 1987:
Chief Scientist and Director at Carnegie Group Inc., Pittsburgh, PA.: Director of the Knowledge-Based Software Development Environments Area. Directed projects that built AI systems to aid software professionals in software project management; configuration/change management; and design, development, and decision support for all phases of the software life-cycle. Responsibilities included managing a group of AI scientists and engineers, coordinating efforts with major corporate clients, and other marketing-related tasks. Marketing and Technical Expert at the Carnegie Group Inc. Western Regional Office: Organized the first satellite office for the company, generated new business with sales/marketing, and consulted with clients on how they could best use our technology. Responsible for high-level and technical presentations, design and development of prototype systems, and selling existing products and future projects.
November 1984 to December 1984:
AI Consultant for Space Applications Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA. Helped to build an expert system to diagnose problems of an orbiting telescope.
October 1981 to November 1984:
Computer Scientist and Corporate Officer of Kestrel Institute, Palo Alto, CA. Research in artificial intelligence, knowledge-based programming environments, and software engineering. Published papers, implemented CMS: a knowledge-based communication and management support environment, and wrote Ph.D. dissertation. Pursued funding and wrote proposals for work. Principal Investigator and Project Leader of the Project Management Assistant project funded through my proposal and based upon my dissertation work. Responsibilities included supervision, management, and interaction with top high-level managers.
November 1978 to October 1981:
Computer Scientist at Systems Control, Inc., Palo Alto, CA. Worked on the “PSI” program synthesis system, a research project associated with Stanford University. Wrote proposals and papers, gave presentations and briefings, helped incorporate Kestrel as a nonprofit research and educational institute, and pursued dissertation research.
March 1979 to August 1979:
Research Assistant in the Psychology Department at Stanford University. Worked with Professor Edward Smith on a rule-based, natural language system to account for attribution in computerized story understanding.
August 1975 to November 1978:
Computer Science Research and Teaching Assistant at USL. Taught PL/1, Fortran, Cobol, and Multics and Intel assembly language programming courses, as well as a graduate-level lab. Research in artificial intelligence and theory of computation. Designed and implemented a natural language processing system and a real-time information management system.
Summers 1971 to 1978:
Systems Programmer for U.S. Geological Survey and for Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. Created graphics systems for Multics and for the S1 project at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Programming Consultant and Debugger for Augustana College. Programmer and computer operator in the business systems department and computer specialist in the mechanical engineering department of John Deere Harvester Works, East Moline, IL. Special projects using an IMS database for file maintenance and report generation. Implemented a production line system. Rotating head of departments and user of computer for payroll, accounting, accounts receivable and personnel at Zahn Drug Company, Maywood, Ill. Supervisor and instructor for the Franklin Park Park District. Tutor of Mathematics.
Major Computer Presentations/Invited Speaker:
GE Technology Workshop- Artificial Intelligence, Philadelphia, PA, Feb. 1987.
Fifth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Philadelphia, PA, August 1986 (AAAI-86).
AI86: Long Beach, CA, April 1986.
Fall Joint Computer Conference Dallas, Tx, Nov. 1986 .
World Computer Conference, Osaka , Japan, Oct. 1986.
RADC KBSA Meeting, Griffis Air Force Base, Rome, NY, August 1986.
National Symbolics Meeting, Wash. D.C., June 1986.
Software Engineering Institute Meetings, Maryland and Pittsburgh, 1986.
Professional Video Tape of my AI work, November 1986.
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Los Angeles, CA, August 1985 (IJCAI-85).
National Conference of Chemical Engineering, Chicago, IL, June 1985.
Asilomar Conference, 1983.
Lockheed, TRW, Boeing, McDonnel Douglas, NASA, Ford Aerospace, Ford Motors, Telesoft.
Major Dream Presentations:
IASD Conference Presenter 1996, 1997, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
IASD PsiberDreaming Conference Presenter 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
BADG Presentation 1998
Mind/Being Research Society Presentation 1993
ASD Conference/Lucidity Association Paper 1986, 1992 (SpiritWatch)
Past and Present Professional Associations
The Ridhwan Foundation
International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD)
IASD PsiberDreaming Conference
Bay Area Professional Dream Workers Group (BADG)
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM National and several special interests groups.)
President of the local chapter of ACM 1977/78; Vice president 1976/77.
American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).
IEEE Computer Society
Awards and Honors
Leyden 20th Anniversary of the Wall of Fame Presentation
Winner of the Dream Telepathy Contest: IASD2005
Sender for the Dream Telepathy Contest: IASD2004 (with amazing winning match)
Placed, Sent, or Judged in IASD PDC Dream Contests: PDC2003, PDC2004, PDC2005, PDC2006, PDC2007, PDC2008, PDC2009. PDC2010, PDC2011 (Winner)
Winner of IASD Dream Ball Costume Contests : ASD1993, ASD1996, ASD2003, IASD2004, IASD2006, IASD2007
Winner of the First “Alumni Wall of Fame” Award from East Leyden H.S. , Franklin Park, Illinois, May 1988.
Elected member of Phi Kappa Phi honor society;
ACM award for outstanding service, leadership and dedication to the organization;
USL assistantship in computer science
Award for Computer Graphics from job at U.S. Geological Survey.
Augustana honor scholarship; Illinois state scholarship; Augustana honor society; East Leyden Valedictorian.
Other Activities and Interests
Study spiritual teacherings including: A. H. Almaas, Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Jane Roberts, A Course in Miracles, the Indian Sidda path, Insight Meditation.
Practice/Enjoy: Yoga, Meditation, Swimming, Oil Painting
Certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hand Analysis (marketed computerized metaphysical reports)
Travel/Study/Business in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
Computer Publications and Papers
Class Materials – CIS 15A, Class Materials – CIS 15B, Class Materials – CIS 15C, Computer and Business Systems Department, DeAnza College, Cupertino, CA, 1995.
AI-Based Software Maintenance, with Lori Alperin Resnick, published in the book, Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering, ed. by Derek Partridge, Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1991.
Knowledge Systems Update, Newsletter for FMC’s Corporate AI Training Program, Summer 1989.
Knowledge-Based Systems – Management Overview, Artificial Intelligence Center, FMC Central Engineering Laboratories, Santa Clara, CA, 1989.
Knowledge-Based Systems – Applications Development, Artificial Intelligence Center, FMC Central Engineering Laboratories, Santa Clara, CA, 1989.
Communication and Management Support in System Development Environments, published in the book, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, ed. by Irene Greif, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 1988.
AI-Based Software Maintenance, with Alperin, L., Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications, Orlando, Florida, February 1987.
The Knowledge-Based Software Development Environment: Crystal, A Carnegie Group Inc. and Boeing Computer Services Company Joint Effort, Carnegie Group Inc. Report, Pittsburgh, PA, July 1985.
A Numerical and Expert System Coupled to Diagnose Problems of an Orbiting Telescope, with J. E. Gaiser, for the Workshop on Coupling Symbolic and Numerical Computing in Expert Systems, Sponsored by AAAI, Bellevue, Washington, August 1985.
Knowledge-Based Project Management, Presented at the Conference on AI in Economics and Management, Zurich, Switzerland, March 1985.
Knowledge-Based Project Management and Communication Support in System Development Environments, Proceedings of the 4th International Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology Jerusalem, Israel, May 20-25, 1984.
KBSA Project Management Assistant, Research Proposal to Rome Air Development Center, December 1983 (funded).
Knowledge-Based Communication and Management Support in a System Development Environment, Ph.D. Dissertation, Computer Science Department, University of Southwestern Louisiana; November 1983; Available as Kestrel Technical Report KES.U.83.3, Kestrel Institute, Palo Alto, California.
Communication and Management Support in System Development Environments, Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems, Gaithersburg, Maryland, March 15-17, 1982; Available as Kestrel Institute Technical Report KES.U.82.3, Palo Alto,
Research on Knowledge-Based Programming and Algorithm Design-1981, with Green, C., Phillips, J., Westfold, S., Pressburger, T., Kedzierski, B., Angebrandt, S., Mont-Reynaud, B. and Tappel, S., Kestrel Report KES.U.81.2., September 1982.
Research on System Development Support Environments, Kestrel Report, KES.L.81.3, Palo Alto, California, 1981.
Expert System Building: A Knowledge-Based Program Synthesis Environment, Proceedings of the First U.S. Army Conference on Knowledge-Based Systems for C3I, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, November 1981.
Codification of Communication Knowledge for Extending Evolutionary System Environments, Ph.D. Thesis Proposal, Kestrel Technical Report, KES.U.81.7, Palo Alto, California, April 1980.
Results in Knowledge-Based Program Synthesis, with Green, C., Gabriel, R., Kant, E., Kedzierski, B., McCune, B., Phillips, J., Tappel, S. and Westfold, S., Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 1, Tokyo, Japan, August 1979, pp 342-344 (wrote and presented paper).
Codification of Program Synthesis Knowledge for Concurrent Programs, with Cordell Green, Research Proposal to the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Systems Control, Inc., March 1979 (funded).
Accounting for Attribution in Understanding, with Edward Smith, Psychology Department, Stanford University, July 1979 (summary of Masters Thesis).
A Structured Paper on Large Project Management, Special Project in Computer Software, University of Louisiana (USL), December 1976.
Lucidity Papers, Publications, Documentaries, and More
“Leaping Out of Dreams,” D’Urso, Beverly, Paper for the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) 2015 PsiberDreaming Conference (PDC), October, 2015.
“The Other as an Aspect of our Truer Self,” D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Paper for the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) 2014 PsiberDreaming Conference (PDC), September 2014.
“Self Image to True Self,” D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Paper for the 2013 International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) 2013 Psiberdreaming Conference (PDC), September, 2013.
“Expansion of Self, Consciousness, and Lucidity While Awake or Asleep ,” D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Paper for the 2012 Science and Non-Duality Conference, Oct., 2012.
“Emotions, Intentions, and Implications of Knowing I Dream in the Moment,” D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Paper for the 2012 International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) Conference, June, 2012.
“Lucidity and Self-Realization through Emotional Surrender,” D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Paper for the 2012 International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) Conference, June, 2012.
“Lucidity and Self-Realization through Emotional Surrender,” D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Proposal for the 2012 International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) Conference, June, 2012.
“Lucid Dreaming: Awake when Asleep,” WebTalkRadio Interview of D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart).
“Could You be Dreaming Now?,” D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Workshop at the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) PsiberDreaming Conference, September, 2011.
The Dream Mystery: An American Teen’s Search for Dream Elders, Film by Hezekiah Condron, Featuring: D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), 2010.
WAKE UP! Exploring the Potential of Lucid Dreaming, Film directed and produced by Kira Sass and Chri Olsen, Featuring: D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Lucitopia and Little Spark Productions, 2009.
“Emotions in Dreams Lead to Self Realization,” D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Workshop at the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) PsiberDreaming Conference, September, 2010.
“Levels of Consciousness and Lucidity While Dreaming or Awake,” D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Paper from Workshop at the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) PsiberDreaming Conference, September, 2009.
“Levels of Consciousness and Lucidity While Dreaming or Awake,” D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Workshop at the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) PsiberDreaming Conference, September, 2009.
“Levels of Consciousness and Lucidity While Dreaming or Awake,” D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Proposal for Workshop at the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) PsiberDreaming Conference, September, 2009.
“Lucid Dreaming and Spiritual Enlightenment,” D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Paper at the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) Conference, Chicago, June 2009.
“Your World Inside-Out: Increasing Lucidity by Questioning Your Assumptions,” D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Presentation at the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) PsiberDreaming Conference, September, 2008.
Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self , Waggoner, Robert, Including: D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Moment Point Press, Inc., Needham, MA, 2009.
Coordinator of the PDC Chat Room, D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), At the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) PsiberDreaming Conference, September, 2007.
“Opening to Life’s Creative Power with Lucid Dreaming,” D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Panel Presentation for the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) Conference 2007, Sonoma, CA, June, 2007.
“Lucid Dreaming: A Bridge to Lucid Living,” D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Workshop Before the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) Conference 2007, Sonoma, CA, June, 2007.
Coordinator of the PDC Chat Room, D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), At the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) PsiberDreaming Conference, September, 2006.
Oneironauts: Explorers of the Lucid Dream World, A Documentary by Richard Hilton, including D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), September 2004.
“Lessons in Lucidity: Explorations in Lucid Dreaming”, Waggoner, R., Webb, C., and D’Urso, B. (Kedzierski Heart,) Panel at the Association for the Study of Dreams (ASD) conference, Santa Cruz, CA , July 12, 2001.
Hidden Assets, Bryant, Mark, [Chapter 3: Reality and Lucid Dreamers ( includes D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart)], New Leaders Press, 1998.
“Living Life as a Lucid Dream”, D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Bay Area Dream Workers (BADG) Presentation, Palo Alto, CA , March 21, 1998.
“The Dreamer and the Dreamtribe”, Halonen, Arto, (writer and director), Documentary [includes D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart)], A Mandrake Productions/Art Films Production, 1997.
Lucid Dreaming Meeting, hosted by: D’Urso Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), Association for the Study of Dreams (ASD) Conference 1996, Berkeley, CA, July, 1996.
“I learned to use my dreams to improve my life”, Including: D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart), First for Women Magazine, Volume 8, Issue 26, June 24, 1996.
“Lucid Dreaming”, (including D’Urso, Beverly (Kedzierski Heart,) NBC’s Next Step, May, 1996.
“A Lucid Dreamer: Beverly (Kedzierski Heart) D’Urso”, ABC TV: WLS Chicago 10 O’Clock News, May 11, 1995.
Lucid Dreaming and Dolphin Swimming, Workshop, given by Heart, Beverly (Kedzierski D’Urso), aboard a sailboat in the Bahamas, June 1993.
“What I ultimately learned from Lucid Dreaming is Lucid Living”, Heart, Beverly (Kedzierski D’Urso), Presented at the Association for the Study of Dreams – Lucidity Association Conference, Santa Cruz, CA, June, 1992.
“Facing the Witches”, Heart, Beverly (Kedzierski D’Urso), Autobiography Paper, February, 1992.
Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming, LaBerge, Stephen, including Kedzierski, Beverly (Heart D’Urso,) Ballantine Books, New York, 1990.
Dream Life, Wake Life, The Human Condition through Dreams, Globus, Gordon, Page 60 [Kedzierski, Beverly (Heart D’Urso)], State University of New York Press, Albany New York, 1987.
The Three Pound Universe, Hooper, Judith and Teresi, Dick, Chapter 11 – Chuang-tzu and the Butterfly: Dreams and Reality [Kedzierski, Beverly (Heart D’Urso)], Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 1986.
“Stephen LaBerge: The Doctor of Dreams”, (including Kedzierski, Beverly (Heart D’Urso)), LIFE, October, 1986.
“Personal Exploration of Lucid Dreaming”, Kedzierski, Beverly (Heart D’Urso), Lucidity Letter, Proceedings from the Lucid Dreaming Symposium (ASD 1986 Panel), Volume 5, Number 1, June, 1986.
“Lucid Dreaming”, New Age Journal, (including Kedzierski, Beverly (Heart D’Urso)), November, 1985.
Lucid Dreaming: The power of being awake and aware in your dreams, LaBerge, Stephen, (including Kedzierski, Beverly (Heart D’Urso)), Ballantine Books, New York, 1985.
“You can direct your dreams”, (including Kedzierski, Beverly (Heart D’Urso)), Parade Magazine, February ,1984.
“Physiological Responses to Dreamed Sexual Activity during Lucid REM Sleep”, LaBerge, S.P. , Greenleaf, W. , and Kedzierski, Beverly (Heart D’Urso), Psychophysiology, 20 (1983): 454-55, Presented at Asilomar Conference, Fall, 1983.
“You’re dreaming, but do you know it?”, (including Kedzierski, Beverly (Heart D’Urso)), Smithsonian, August, 1982
“Design your own dreams”, (including Kedzierski, Beverly (Heart D’Urso)), Omni, March, 1982 .
“Discover the World of Science: Lucid Dreaming”, (including Kedzierski, Beverly (Heart D’Urso)), Television Special, 1982.
“Two on the Town, A Day in the Life of Beverly Kedzierski (Heart D’Urso): Lucid Dreamer”, Television Show, 1982.